Web Changes4/36/04 - Guess it's time for me to do a little updating. :) 9/16/01 - This really should be 8/15 through 9/16... Been slowly revamping the entire site. Adding a Cable & Satellite section to the site as well as several other pages. 9/9/01 - Started section for Cable & Satellite as well as LHR Cable. Will be finishing up section for both either next week or the week after. 9/4/01 - Added & modified several pages and updated graphics. 7/29/01 - Added several pages and updated graphics. Also added a counter at the bottom of the index page. 6/23/01 - Added the Microsoft Agents to the site. I hope you enjoy there interruptions. Check out my Microsoft Agent page for more information about agents. 6/21/01 - Wow... Do I need to work on this site! I have only done minor updates 3 or 4 times. To busy working on other things. Updated some links and added the the pages for MS Agents. Will be adding Agent enhancements in the next day or two. 3/12/01 - Ok... so I lied. Haven't had a lot of time to work on the site. Also web sites really never are finished. Just like Windows, it's always a work in progress. :) 1/24/01 - Starting to get things together. Figuring out what to put on this site and why. Hopefully it will be completed in the next 2 to 3 weeks.
Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to msakal@ptd.net.