Job Opportunities


Looking for a Career?

Atlantic Communications Corporation corporate HQ is based in New York City.  ACC is a growing company with projects operating around the United States including New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania as well as several other area that are in the works.  Current work includes Satellite Installation for DirecTV & DishNETWORK,  Plasma TV & Surround Sound Installations for Circuit City as well as several other contracts. We also do Computer Networking, both Residential & Commercial in selected areas as well as Cable, Fiber, Phone & Alarms.  After all, our middle name is Communications and we take that seriously.  If you are interested in a position with our company, please fill out this brief application.  Someone from our Human Resources Department will contact you shortly to give you more information about Job Opportunities with ACC.  We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.

[FrontPage Save Results Component]

Please provide the following contact information:

Street Address
Address (cont.)
Zip/Postal Code
Home Phone
Best time to Call


What type of Professional Installation Experience do you have?  Check all that apply.

Please note:  The information below is just so we have a starting point for reference in the interview.  In most cases, experience is not a priority since SSC does train and certify when and as needed.  This information is only to give us an idea were we can best utilize your talents in finding the best position for you.

Alarm Systems
Cable TV - Installations
Cable TV - Rebuild
Cable TV - Cable Modems
Cable TV - MDU
Cable TV - Aerial Construction
Cable TV - Underground Construction
Data - Cat 5
Data - A+ Certified
Data - Computer Networking Certified
Fiber Optics
Phone - Residential
Phone - Commercial
Plasma TV
Satellite - DirecTV
Satellite - Dish Network
Satellite - SBCA Certified
Satellite - Primestar
Satellite - VSAT
Satellite - Other
Surround Sound
None of the above

Can you work 6 days a week? - Monday to Saturday

Yes No

Are you willing to work extended  Hours?

Yes No

Type of vehicle would you be using?


Do you have a Fax machine?

Yes No

Are you currently installing?

Yes No

If you answered YES to the above questions, Please fill out the following questions.

How many Satellite Installs per day can you do?

Do you have Contractor's Insurance?

Yes No

What is your SBCA Certification #?

How long have you been Installing?

For what Company/Contractor?

Why are you looking for a change? 


Date you would be available to start :

-- mm/dd/yy

After submitting the form, CLICK to return to the Main Menu

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Copyright © 2001 Mike Sakal
Last modified: Monday, February 02, 2004


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