American Movie Classics | Court TV | Home Shopping Network | The Sci-Fi Channel |
6133 North River Road | 600 Third Ave. | P.O. BOX 9090 | 1230 Avenue of Americas |
Suite 930 | New York, N.Y. 10016 | Clearwater, FL 34618-9090 | New York, NY 10020 |
Rosemont, IL 60018 | Phone: 212-973-2800 | Phone: 813-572-8585 | Phone: 212-408-9100 |
Phone: 847-292-6677 | Programming Info: 800-268-7856 | ||
Independent Film Channel | SHOWTIME | ||
America's Health Network | C-SPAN & C-SPAN-2 | 150 Crossways Park West | 1633 Broadway |
1000 Universal Studios Plaza | 400 N. Capitol St. NW Suite 650 | Woodbury, NY 11797 | New York, NY 10019 |
Building 22A | Washington, D.C. 20001 | Phone: 516-364-2222 | |
Orlando, FL 32819-7610 | Phone: 202-628-2205 | SpeedVision | |
Phone: 407-345-8555 | Inter/Forever Sports | Two Stamford Plaza | |
The Discovery Channel | 601 Brickell Key Drive | Stamford, CT 06901 | |
The Arts & Entertainment Network | 7700 Wisconsin Ave. | Suite 1080 | Phone: 888-22-SPEED |
235 East 45th Street | Bethesda, Maryland 20814 | Miami, FL 33131 | |
New York, NY 10017 | Phone: 301-986-1999 | Phone: 305-377-2700 | Spice-Graff |
Phone: 212-661-4500 | Pay Per View | ||
The Disney Channel | The Learning Channel | 536 Broadway | |
Animal Planet | 3800 W. Alameda Ave. | 7700 Wisconsin | 7th Floor |
7700 Wisconsin Ave. | Burbank, CA 91505-6070 | Bethesda, MD 20814 | New York, N.Y. 10012 |
Bethesda, MD 20814 | Phone: 818-569-7500 | Phone: 301-986-1999 | Phone: 212-941-1434 |
Phone: 301-986-1999 | |||
E! Entertainment Television | The Movie Channel | STARZ! | |
Black Entertainment Network | 5670 Wilshire Blvd. | 1633 Broadway | 5445 DTC Parkway, Suite 600 |
One BET Plaza | Los Angeles, CA 90036 | New York, NY 10019 | Englewood, CO 80111 |
1900 W. Place NE | Phone: 213-954-2400 | Phone: 303-771-7700 | |
Washington, DC 20018-1211 | MSNBC | ||
Phone: 202-608-2006 | ENCORE | 2200 Fletcher Avenue | Superstation TBS |
5445 DTC Parkway Suite 600 | Fort Lee, NJ 07024 | Turner Broadcasting Systems | |
Bloomberg Information Television | Englewood, CO 80111 | Phone: 201-583-5000 | One CNN Center |
499 Park Avenue | Phone: 303-267-4000 | BOX 105366 | |
New York, NY 10022 | MuchMusic | Atlanta, GA 30348-5366 | |
Phone: 212-318-2000 | ESPN & ESPN2 | 150 Crossways Park West | Phone: 404-827-1500 |
605 Third Avenue, 8th Floor | Woodbury, NY 11797 | ||
BRAVO | New York, NY 10158 | Phone: 516-364-2222 | Superstation WGN |
2425 W. Olympic Blvd. Suite 5050W | Phone: 212-916-9200 | 7140 S. Lewis Ave. | |
Santa Monica, CA 90404 | Music Choice | Tulsa, OK 74136 | |
Phone: 310- 828-7005 | The Family Channel | 300 Welsh Road, Building One | Web: www.wgntv.com |
Programming Info: 516-364-3920 | 2877 Guardian Lane | Suite 220 | |
Virginia Beach, VA 23450-2050 | Horsham, PA 19044 | TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) | |
Cartoon Network | Phone: 804-459-6000 | Phone: 215-784-5840 | 2823 W. Irving Blvd. |
Turner Broadcasting Systems | Irving, TX 75061 | ||
One CNN Center | Fox Net | The Nashville Network | Phone: 800-735-5542 |
BOX 105366 | 11833 Mississippi Avenue | 250 Harbor Dr. | |
Atlanta, GA 30348-5366 | Los Angeles, CA 90025 | Stamford, CT 06904 | Turner Network Television |
Phone: 404-827-1500 | Phone: 310-447-7300 | Phone: 203-965-6000 | Turner Broadcasting Systems |
One CNN Center | |||
Channel Earth | Fox News Channel | Newsworld International | BOX 105366 |
6710 N. Scottsdale Rd. | 620 Avenue of the Americas | C/O Northbridge Programming | Atlanta, GA 30348-5366 |
Suite 225 | 6th Floor | 221 Wellington West | Phone: 404-827-1500 |
Scottsdale, AZ 85253 | New York, New York 10011 | Toronto, Canada M5V3 G7 | |
Phone: 888-642-8900 | Phone: 888-369-4762 | Phone: 416-205-5831 | TRIO |
c/o Northbridge Program Inc. | |||
Cinemax | The Golf Channel | Outdoor Life | 221 Wellington West |
1100 Avenue of the Americas | 7580 Commerce Center Drive | Two Stamford Plaza - 9th Floor | Toronto, Canada M5V3 G7 |
New York, NY 10036 | Orlando, FL 32819 | 281 Tresser Blvd. | Phone: 800-890-8746 |
Phone: 407-363-4653 | Stamford, CT 06901 | ||
Classic Sports Network | 1-800-OUTDOOR | Turner Classic Movies (TCM) | |
300 Park Avenue South | Headline News | Turner Broadcasting Systems | |
6th Floor | Turner Home Systems | PLAYBOY TV | One CNN Center |
New York, N.Y. 10010 | One CNN Center | 9242 Beverly Blvd. | BOX 105366 |
Phone: 212-529-8000 | BOX 105366 | Beverly Hills, CA 90210 | Atlanta, GA 30348-5366 |
Atlanta, GA 30348-5366 | Phone: 310-246-4000 | Phone: 404-827-1500 | |
CNBC | Phone: 404-827-1500 | ||
2200 Fletcher Avenue | QVC | TV Food | |
Fort Lee, NJ 07024 | The History Channel | 1200 Wilson Drive | 1177 Avenue of the Americas |
Phone: 800-788-2622 | 235 East 45th Street | West Chester, PA 19380 | 31st Floor |
New York, NY 10017 | Phone: 800-200-0777 | New York, NY 10036 | |
CNN, CNN International | Phone: 212-661-4500 | Phone: 212-398-8836 | |
Turner Broadcasting Systems | RealNet | ||
One CNN Center | Home Box Office | Member Direct | USA Network |
BOX 105366 | 1100 Avenue of the Americas | 8201 Greensboro Drive | 1230 Avenue of the Americas |
Atlanta, GA 30348-5366 | New York, NY 10036 | Suite 215 | New York, N.Y. 10020 |
Phone: 404-827-1500 | Mc Lean, VA 22102 | Phone: 212-408-9100 | |
Home & Garden Television | Phone: 800-275-7388 | ||
Country Music Television | P.O. Box 50970 | The Weather Channel | |
250 Harbor Dr. | Knoxville, TN 37950 | Romance Classics | Landmark Networks |
Stamford, CT 06904 | Phone: 615-694-2700 | 5445 DTC Parkway | 300 Interstate North Parkway |
Phone: 203-965-6000 | Programming Info: 800-448-8275 | Suite 600 | Atlanta, GA 30339 |
Englewood, CO 80111 | Phone: 770-226-0000 | ||
Phone: 303-267-4000 | |||
Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to msakal@ptd.net.